Alk-Phos Direct Labeling
Dominik Haudenschild, June 20, 1998 Solutions: Hybridization Buffer: Primary Wash Buffer (1L) Secondary Wash Buffer 20x stock (1L) Secondary Wash Buffer - Working Dilution
Calculate volume of hyb buffer needed
Add NaCl to 0.5M
Add Blocking reagent to 4%, stir 1-2 hours to dissolve
-Store at -20° to 6 months
2M Urea 120g
0.1% SDS 1g
50mM Na-Phosphate 100ml 0.5M pH 7.0 stock
150mM NaCl 8.7g
10mM MgCl2 10ml 1.0M stock
-Store at 4° to 1 week
1M Tris 121g
2M NaCl 112g
pH to 10.0
-Store at 4° to 4 months
Make 1x, then add 1M MgCL2 to 2mM (2ml/L)
-Use immediately, do not store
Volumes needed:
Small blots @
90 cm2 = 7 ml Hyb Buffer
use 140ng probe for low copy number
use 35ng probe for high copy number
Large blots @
300 cm2 = 20 ml Hyb Buffer
use 600ng probe for low copy number
use 150ng probe for high copy number
Labeling 150ng (600ng) Probe:
Hybridization and Washes:
Detection with ECF: