Fragment Isolation from Agarose Gels

Dominik Haudenschild, December 3, 1993 at CBRC


1) Use standard Agarose (Sigma type II).

2) Precisely cut out band from agarose gel and transfer to Eppendorf Tube.

3) Add 10 volumes (relative to gel slice weight) of:
0.3M Sodium Acetate pH7.0 / 1mM EDTA

4) Incubate RT for 30 minutes

5) Pierce 0.65ml Eppendorf tube with 25 gauge needle, stuff end with siliconized glass wool, then add swollen gel slice. (150µl max)

6) Freeze in liquid nitrogen.

7) Place chilled cup quickly into large Eppendorf tube and spin in microfuge top speed for 10 minutes

8) Discard small cup

9) Add to DNA solution:
1/10 volume of 3M Sodium Acetate pH 4.5
2.5 volumes 100% Ethanol

10) Keep at -80'C for at least 10 minutes

11) Spin at top speed for 10 minutes

12) Wash with 80% then 100% ethanol

13) Dry pellet, and resuspend in TE