NZCYM Medium
Dominik Haudenschild, 10-28-94
To 900ml Milli-Q water add:
NaCl 5g
NZ-Amine 10g (NZ)
Casamino Acids 1g (C)
Bacto-Yeast Extract 5g (Y)
4 - 7H20 2g (M)-Stir until dissolved
-Adjust pH to 7.0 with 1N or 5N NaOH
-for Liquid Broth add NO Agarose or Agar
OR -for Top Agarose add 3.75g Agarose per 500ml
OR -for Plates add 7.50g Agar per 500ml
-Bring volume to 1000ml with Milli-Q water
-Autoclave for on Liquid Cycle
-After autoclaving, swirl to thoroughly mix agar
-Cool to 60'C in water bath, add necessary antibiotics
-Pour into 40-50 100mm plates or 16-24 150mm plates
-Use leveling table, avoid bubbles
-Same as NCZYM, but leave out Casamino Acids
-Same as NZCYM but leave out Casamino acids and
leave out Bacto Yeast Extract
Wear gloves and glasses when working with NaOH