To 800ml Milli-Q Water add:
80.0g NaCl
2.00g KCl
2.40g KH2PO4
14.40g Na
2HPO4 (Anhydrous)(or 27.18g Na
2HPO47H2O)-Bring Volume to 1000ml with Milli-Q water
-Check pH of 1X solution, should be 7.3. Do Not Adjust!!
10X PBS-Tween
To 800ml Milli-Q Water add:
80.0g NaCl
2.00g KCl
2.40g KH
2PO414.40g Na
2HPO4 (Anhydrous)(or 27.18g Na
2HPO47H2O)5 ml Tween-20
-Bring Volume to 1000ml with Milli-Q water
-Check pH of 1X solution, should be 7.3. Do Not Adjust!!