Siliconizing Glassware
Dominik Haudenschild, 10-28-94
at CBRC1) Clean glassware well, and allow to dry completely
2) To 95ml Chloroform add 5ml DimethylDichloroSilane
3) Using long forceps, soak cotton ball in solution and wet
surfaces of glassware to be siliconized
4) Allow glassware to dry, and repeat step 3.
5) Allow to dry again
6) Rinse with lots of DI water
6) Bake at 180'C for 1 hour (optional)
Caution: Chloroform is very toxic, flammable, and a good solvent of latex and vinyl. Dimethyl-Dichloro-Silane
is also higly toxic. Wear chemical resistant gloves, glasses, and do steps 2 to 5 in fume hood. Do not
allow skin to contact silconizing solution.