Southern Blotting using Stratagene's PosiBlot
Dominik Haudenschild, May 1995 at Genzyme
For gels at most 1% agarose, about 0.7cm thick
-soak gels in 0.25N HCl for 20 minutes with gentle shaking
-the bromophenol blue dye should turn green with HCl treatment
-soak gel in 0.5N NaOH / 1.5M NaCl for 30 to 45 minutes, shaking
-the bromophenol blue should once again turn blue
-soak gel in 1M Tris pH 7.5 / 1.5M NaCl for 30 to 45 minutes
Assemble in PosiBlot apparatus as in Stratagene's instructions
Blot for 30 to 60 minutes at 75mm Hg pressure
UV crosslink the DNA onto membrane using Stratalinker on AutoCrosslink setting
Random Prime Labelling Using Stratagene's PrimeIt II kit
Generating random primed, double stranded labeled probe
add 25ng DNA template
bring volume to 25µl with water
add 10µl random oligo primers
boil at 95°C for five minutes then quickly spin reaction to bottom of tube
add 10µl of 5x primer buffer
add 5µl of labeled nucleotide (3000 to 6000Ci/mmol)
1µl Exo(-) Klenow enzyme at 5 U/ml
mix thoroughly with pipet tip
incubate 37 to 40°C for 2 to 10 minutes
add 2µl stop mix
* optional: clean probe over desalting column
RapidHyb protocol
Using random primed double stranded DNA probe (1/2 of 25ng reaction = 2ng/ml)
or RNA probes (1/2 of standard reaction = 6ng/ml)
Prehyb HyBond N+ for 15 minutes in RapidHyb at 65°C (70°C for RNA probes)
If using roller bottle in hyb oven, use at least 10ml
Boil probe for 2-5 minutes at 95°C to 100°C
Snap-cool probe on ice
Add 1ml prehyb solution to probe, then add probe to membranes
Hybridize at 65°C (70° for RNA probes) for 1 to 2 hours
Overnight is OK but background increases
Wash once 20 minutes at room temerature with 5x SSC + 0.1% SDS
Wash twice 15 minutes at 55°C to 65°C with (1 to 0.1)x SSC + 0.1% SDS
Wrap in Saran wrap and expose to film overnight