Alkaline Lysis Mini-Prep

Dominik Haudenschild, Monday, October 06, 1997

1: Pellet 1.5ml of overnight bacterial culture in Eppendorf tube, discard sup.

2: Resuspend completely in 100µl of cold Resuspension Buffer by vortexing

3: Add 200µl Lysis Buffer, mix by inverting tube gently

4: Add 150µl Precipitation Buffer, mix by short vortex,

5: Incubate on ice for 3-5 minutes

6:Centrifuge top speed for 5 minutes

7: Put Supernatant into fresh 1.5ml tube, discard pellet (has bacterial crap)

8: Precipitate plasmid DNA by with 950µl ethanol

9: Pellet DNA by 5-10 minutes top speed in centrifuge

10: Remove supernatant, wash pellet with 75% ethanol, then air-dry pellet

11: Redissolve DNA in 50µl TE with 20µg/ml DNAse-free Pancreatic RNAse

12: Store DNA in -20

Resuspension Buffer

Lysis Buffer

Precipitation Buffer

50mM Glucose

0.2N NaOH

60ml 5M Potassium Acetate

25mM Tris pH 8.0

1% SDS

11.5ml Glacial Acetic Acid



28.5ml Water

DNA is suitable for restriction enzyme digestion

DNA is NOT suitable for automated sequencing or ligations