Northerns Dominik Haudenschild, March 6, 1998
Use RNAse free reagents and techniques
For 200ml
To 162ml DEPC treated water add 2g RNAse free agarose
Microwave to completely dissolve agarose
Add 20ml 10x MESA buffer (Sigma#M5755)
Add 18ml 37% Formaldehyde (to 1.1M)
Pour gel in fume hood
For 50ml
To 40.5ml DEPC treated water add 0.75g RNAse free agarose
Microwave to completely dissolve agarose
Add 5ml 10x MESA buffer
Add 4.5ml Formaldehyde
Pour gel in fume hood
Northern Blotting using Stratagene's PosiBlot
For formaldehyde gels
-Soak gel in 0.05N NaOH/0.15M NaCl for 20 minutes, shaking
-Soak gel in 0.1M Tris pH 7.5/0.15M NaCl for 30 minutes
Assemble PosiBlot apparatus as in Stratagene's instructions
Blot for 30 to 60 minutes at 75mm Hg pressure
UV crosslink the DNA onto membrane using Stratalinker on AutoCrosslink setting
For multiple reprobing, bake >2 hours at 80°C
Visualize bands on gel with 0.04%Methylene blue in 0.3M Sodium Acetate pH 5.2
Destain in water until background is almost white