Making Lentivirus
using Invitrogen ViraPower T-TEX
Lentiviral expression system
(1) Design primers:
ATGGÉÉ.starting bp of your gene of
Rv: just reverse of your C terminal
sequence, donŐt forget to add stop codon
(2) Using pfx DNA
polymerase ( or any other polymerase you used) to set up PCR reaction as other normal
PCR, then use agarose gel electrophoresis to verify
the quality and quantity of your PCR product.
(3) Purify PCR product using PCR purification
kit from Qiagen
(4) Perform the TOPO cloning reaction: for
optimal results, use a 0.5:1 to 2:1 molar ratio of PCR product: TOPO vector.
Reagent |
Transformation |
Fresh PCR Product Salt solution Sterile water TOPO vector |
0.5-4 ul 1 ul To a final volume
of 5 ul 1 ul |
Total volume |
6 ul |
Mix gently and
incubate for 5 minutes at room temperature
Place on ice and
proceed to transform One Shot chemically competent E.Coli
(5) Transform One shot Chemically Competent E.
a. Add 2 ul of the
TOPO Cloning reaction into a vial of one Shot chemically competent E.Coli cells and mix gently
b. Incubate on ice for 5 to 30 min
c. Heat-shock the cells for 3o seconds at 42C
without shaking. Immediately transfer the tube to ice.
d. Add 250 ul of room
temperature S.O.C. Medium
e. Incubate at 37 C for 1 hour with shaking
f. Spread 50-200 ul
of bacterial culture on a prewarmed selective plate
and incubate overnight at 37C
(6) Analyzing Positive Clones
a. Pick 5 colonies and culture them overnight in LB or SOB medium
containing 50 ug/ml kanamycin.
b. Miniprep DNA and analyze the plasmid by NotI and AscI (
make sure your gene of interest doesnŐt contain these two enzyme
restriction site)
(7) Send to sequence using
T7 promoter primer and M13 reverse primer.
(1) Setting up the LR Recombination Reaction:
Component |
Sample |
Positive Control |
Entry clone (
50-150 ng/reaction) pENTR-gus ( 50 ng/ul) pLenti4/TO/V5-DEST
vector ( 150ng/ul) TE buffer, pH 8.0 |
1-7 ul -- 1 ul To 8 ul |
-- 2 ul 1 ul 5 ul |
(b) Remove the LR Clonase
II enzyme mix from -20 C and thaw on ice.
(c) Vortex the LR Clonase
II enzyme mix briefly twice , then add 2 ul into the
reaction and mix well by pipetting up and down.
(d) Incubate at 25 C for 1 to 18 hours
(e) Add 1 ul of
Proteinase K solution to each reaction, incubate for
10 min at 37 C.
(2) One Shot Stb13 transformation:
Just the same of normal transformation, the heat time is 45 seconds at
42 C
(3) Analyzing Positive Clones:
(a) Pick 5 colonies and culture them
overnight in LB medium containing
100 ul/ml ampicillin
(b) Isolate plasmid DNA and
analyze them by xba I and NotI
( make sure your gene of interest
doesnŐt contain them)
I usually didnŐt sequence the plasmid, but if you want to, you can use
CMV forward primer and V5 reverse primer
(4) Using
Midiprep or Max prep to extract a large amount of DNA
(1) For each transfection sample, prepare DNA-Lipofectamine 2000 complexes as follows:
In a
sterile 5 ml tube, dilute 9 ug of the ViraPower Packaging Mix and 3 ug
of the pLenti-based expression plasmid DNA ( 12 ug total) in 1.5 ml of Opti-MEM I Medium without
serum. Mix gently.
In a
separate sterile 5 ml tube, mix Lipofectamine 2000
gently before use, then dilute 36 ul in 1.5 ml of
Opti-MEM I Medium without serum. Mix gently and incubate for 5 min at room
(c)After 5 min incubation, combine the diluted DNA with the diluted Lipofectamine 2000 ( total volume=
3 mls). Mix gently.
(d) Incubate for 20 min at room temperature to allow the
DNA-Lipofectamine 2000 complexes to form. The solution may appear cloudy, but
this will not impede the transfection.
(2) While the DNA-Lipid complexes are forming, trypsinize
the count the
293 FT cells. Resuspend the cells at a density
of 1.2 X 106 cells/ml in
Growth medium containing serum ( or Opti-MEM I
Medium containing
(3)Add the DNA-Lipid ( step 1d) to a 10 cm tissue culture plate with 5
ml of
Growth medium containing serum. Do not include
antibiotics in the medium.
(4) Add 5 ml of the 293 FT cell suspension ( 6 X
106 total cells) to the plate
Containing media and DNA Lipofectamine 2000
complexes and mix gently by rocking the plate back and forth. Incubate the
cells overnight at 37 C incubator.
(5) The next day, remove the media containing
the DNA-Lipofectamine 2000
Complexes and replace with complete culture medium containing sodium
Pyruvate( i.e. D-MEM containing 10 % FBS, 2 mM L-glutamine, 0.1 mM MEM
Non-Essential Amino Acids, 1% penicillin/streptomycin, and 1 mM MEM Sodium Pyruvate).
(6) Harvest virus-containing supernatants 48 and
72 hours posttransfection by
Removing medium to a 15 ml sterile, capped conical tube.
(7) Centrifuge at 3000 rpm for 5 min at 4 C to
pellet cell debris.
(8) You can concentrate the virus by centrifuge
at 25,000 rpm for 1 hrs at 4 C to pellet the virus then resuspend
it with a few ml of medium 50-100 times.
Then aliquote and keep in -80 C for long term
(1) The day before transduction ( day 1), trypsinize and count the
cells, plating them in a 6-well plate such that they will be 30-50% confluent
at the time of transduction, you can either culture them overnight or wait 4-8
hours to transduct the cells.
(2) On the day of transduction ( day 2), thaw your lentivirus stock and prepare 10 fold
serial dilution to a final volume of 1 ml.
(3) Remove the culture medium from the cells.
Mix each dilution gently by inversion and add to one well of cells
(4) Add Polybrene
(prepare a 6 mg/ml stock solution in deionized
sterile water, filter , aliquote and keep at -20 C
for long-term storage, maybe can store up to 1 year) to each well to a final concentration of 6 ug/ml, swirl the plate gently to mix. Incubate at 37 C
(5) The following day ( day
3), remove the media containing virus and replace with 2 ml of complete culture
(6) The following day (day 4), treat cells as
---For Zeocin selection(
pLenti4/TO/V5-DEST or pLenti4/TO/V5-GW/lacZ stocks), remove the medium
and wash the cells once with PBS. For each well of cells, trypsinzie
the cells and replate the entire amount into one 10
ml plate containing complete culture medium with the appropriate amount of Zeocin to select for stably transduced
---For Blasticidin selection ( pLenti6/TR), remove the medium and replace with complete
culture medium containing the appropriate amount of Blasticidin
to select for stably transduced cells.
(7) Replace medium with fresh medium containing
antibiotic every 2-3 days
(8) After 10-12 days of selection ( day 14-16),
you should see no live cells in the mock well and discrete
antibiotic-resistant colonies in one or more of the dilution wells.
---Cell density can affect the efficiency of Zeocin
selection. For the most efficient Zeocin selection,
make sure that cells are not greater than 50% confluent.
----50-1000 ug/ml ( stock
100 mg/ml in water)
---stock 5-10 mg/ml in water
---Aqueous stock solution are stable for 1-2
wells at 4 C and 6-8 weeks at -20 C
--- Do not subject stock solution to freeze/thaw cycles
---Upon thawing, use what you need and store the thawed stock solution
at 4 C for up to 2 weeks
---working concentration: 2-10 ug/ml