Stripping Western Blots for Re-use
Dominik Haudenschild, March 6, 2001 at UCD (revised November 7, 2003)

This protocol was tested by Tom Yarbrough, and works about 4 or 5 times without too much loss of signal

  • Place blot in 0.2M NaOH at room temperature for 5 minutes
  • Wash with PBS to remove NaOH
  • Block adn re-probe as usual

    Older protocol below works well, but causes substantially greater loss of signal

    Stripping Buffer
    2% SDS
    70mM Tris pH 7

    Heat Stripping buffer to 70 degrees
    Add Mercaptoethanol to 100mM (stock is ~14M)
    Then pour onto blot and allow to cool
    Wash with PBS to remove striping buffer
    Block and re-probe as usual